New cartoonist: Wimar Verdecia Fuentes
July 27, 2022
Wimar Verdecia Fuentes is a cartoonist, illustrator, comic book author from Cuba. He works for various Cuban publications, including multimedia platform El Toque.
Wimar Verdecia Fuentes is a cartoonist, illustrator, comic book author from Cuba. He works for various Cuban publications, including multimedia platform El Toque.
The last dispatch before we go on our annual summer break is out. And although activities are winding down now, July was actually one of the busiest months this year, with not one but two cartoon exhibitions. Read our newsletter to get an impression of these and to see this month’s most popular cartoons.
Lupo is a cartoonist from France. He enjoys making fun of the powerful, avenging those who suffer injustice through laughter.
On July 14, our exhibition Framing the War was opened in the Sound and Vision media museum in The Hague by the director of Sound and Vision and the mayor of The Hague. Framing the War shows 100 days of war in Ukraine with about 125 photos of the Dutch press agency ANP and 75 international cartoons from Cartoon Movement.
In the photos posted below, we'll try to give you an impression of the exhibition, but we highly recommend that, if you're in the area, you go see the exhibition for yourself. It will be on display until September 4. More information here.
Photos by Cartoon Movement and by Rob Hogeslag.
If you're in the Netherlands, join us tomorrow (July 14) for the opening of Framing the war, an exhibition of photos and cartoons about the first 100 days of war in Ukraine in the Sound and Vision media museum in The Hague.
The opening program includes an introduction, panel discussion, auction, mini-documentaries and, of course, access to the new exhibition. Register for free to attend the opening.
Last week, we did a project titled Cartooning the Future for the Ministry of Justice and Security in the Netherlands. During the annual Summerschool of the Ministry, we hosted a workshop for employees of the Ministry, challenging them to sketch their vision of the future.
The sketches were uploaded to the. Professional cartoonists from across the globe chose the best, most inspiring ideas and turned them into editorial cartoons. On Friday July 8th a selection of these cartoons was on display in The Hague, during the festive closing conference of the Justice and Security Summerschool.
You can check out all the cartoons and sketches on the project page of The Next Movement. Here below, we give a small impression of the exhibition.
Farid Huseynli is a cartoonist from Azerbaijan. He has been working as a cartoonist for 7 years, drawing cartoons for various websites, magazines and magazines. Check out his Instagram to see more of his work.
Wilfred Hildonen is a cartoonist with both the Finnish and Norwegian nationality, now living in Sweden, He has been working as a freelance illustrator and cartoonist since 1992, mainly for Hufvudstadsbladet, the largest daily newspaper in the Swedish language in Finland.