WPFC cartoon competition - longlist
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European Cartoon Award shortlist

Studio Europa Maastricht and European Press Prize have announced the shortlist of the very first edition of the European Cartoon Award. Hundreds of cartoons were submitted to the prize and 16 cartoonists from Denmark, Italy, Romania, Spain, The Netherlands, Turkey, and the UK are nominated.

European Cartoon Award judge Janet H. Anderson:

'Editorial cartoons are a special type of commentary; they have so many boxes they have to tick in terms of visual storytelling, connection to current events, and providing a clear message. It's a tough ask! For this first ever European Cartoon Award, we judges were all aware that we would be helping to define what this category of journalism can be. What shone out of these cartoons were their sharp critiques, often very funny, of current affairs. We hope this selection helps to illustrate how important this genre of commentary is. We all want to encourage more cartoonists across Europe to enter for this fabulous prize in the years to come.'


The 2020 cartoon laureates are:

Agim Sulaj, published by Fany Blog; Mundiario
Anne Derenne, published by Cartoon Movement
Arend van Dam, published by l’Espresso
Ben Jennings, published by The i Newspaper
Cláudio Antônio Gomes, published by Courrier International
Costel Pătrășcan, published by the Representation of the EC in Romania
Hajo de Reijger, published by Pers & Prent; Cartoon Movement
Halit Kurtulmuş, published by Cartoon Movement
Gorilla, published by De Groene Amsterdammer
Joep Bertrams, published by De Limburger
Marco De Angelis, published by Buduàr; Courrier International
Mette Dreyer, published by Politiken
Victor Eugen Mihai, published by Sportul Băcăuan
Niels Bo Bojesen, published by Jyllands-Posten
Ruben L. Oppenheimer, published by De Limburger
Tomás Serrano, published by El Español

See the shortlisted cartoons here.


The European Cartoon Award was founded by Studio Europa Maastricht and the European Press Prize in 2019; the year the New York Times decided to stop running editorial cartoons. Studio Europa Maastricht and the European Press Prize aim to award courage and quality and provoke conversation on the topic of Europe. 

The preparatory committee: Emanuele Del Rosso, Menekşe Çam, Vladimir Kazanevsky, Gatis Šļūka and Thierry Vissol made a first selection from the entries to present to the judges. The judges: Janet H. Anderson, Ramsés Morales Izquierdo and Simone Berghuys selected a shortlist. The winner of the European Cartoon Award will be announced at the award ceremony in Brussels on October 1st. 


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