The Coronavirus Crisis in 10 Cartoons
March 26, 2020
Our cartoonists are almost exclusively drawing about the coronavirus these days. We publish one cartoon on our homepage each day and share another one later in the day on our social media channels. This means loads and loads of cartoons do not get the attention from us that they deserve. Here we have made a top 10 of cartoons that have not had our attention yet; they offer perspectives on the various aspects of the coronavirus crisis. We think these cartoons are great, but they are a somewhat arbitrary selection, so we encourage you to also go and take a look in our newsroom.
1. Sanouni Imad - Morocco
This cartoon shows us the sad reality of the current epidemic, Many people will die.
2. Rafat Alkhateeb - Jordan
The virus quickly transformed a globalized world into one where all borders are closed.
3. Paolo Calleri - Germany
And a world in which many people felt a compelling urge to stock up on toilet paper, for some reason.
4. Mohamed Ajeg - Morocco
Not the most popular perspective right now, but is the world trying to tell us something?
5. Mohamed Ajeg - Morocco
Another one by the same cartoonist, because this cartoon shows the reality for many people: how do you stay home when you do not have a home?
6. Hilal Özcan - Turkey
And those of us who do have a home face another challenge.
7. Antonio Rodriguez
We should not forgot this crisis also showed us the best of humanity: love and collective solidarity have survived and thrived despite lockdowns.
8. Seyran Caferli - Azerbaijan
Of course the coronavirus could just be the beginning…
9. Mansoure Dehghani - Iran
Together we will overcome the crisis.
10. Mahnaz Yazdani - Iran
But we should not forget the true heroes that put their life on the line every day to save the lives of others.