Cartoon Art Project
April 9, 2018
In March, four of our cartoonists (Hajo, Spiros Derveniotis, Osama Hajjaj & Tjeerd Royaards) collaborated on an art project for the new headquarters of vfonds, a Dutch NGO with a focus on peace, freedom, democracy and international law. Together, they created 72 cartoons telling the story of the Second World War, the reconstruction of Europe (and the Netherlands in particular), the Cold War and the construction of an international order, and the rise of freedom and democracy in Europe (and the world).
The 72 cartoons are printed on the front and back of 36 panels that are hung vertically from the ceiling, creating a narrative that you can walk under.
Throughout the panels, a 'V' shape is visible, v being the first letter of the Dutch word for peace (vrede) and freedom (vrijheid). The panels in red tell the story of war, conflict and the price of peace. The panels in blue show how peace leads to prosperity and freedom.
Here is and overview of all the panels. Click on the image for a larger version:
All images © Cartoon Movement/Hajo/Sprios Derveniotis/Osama Hajjaj/Tjeerd Royaards. Use of these images is only allowed after the written consent of Cartoon Movement.