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Behind-the-Scenes: Marian Kamensky


Behind-the-Scenes is an ongoing series that shows how cartoonists work. In this edition we feature Marian Kamensky from Vienna, and a cartoon on Berlusconi in prison ('Bunga Bunga').

Marian makes all his dawings by hand, using pen and ink. All the shading and coloring is done with Photoshop. The first image below shows the cartoon is it drawn by hand. In the second image, shading, coloring etc. are applies, turning the image from a relatively simple black & white image into a finished cartoon.



Mohammad Saba'aneh Released


Palestinian cartoonist Mohammad Saba'aneh was arrested on February 16 by Israeli authorities and sentenced to 5 months in prison for 'contact with a hostile organization'. Many suspect his sentence was because of his work as a critical cartoonist. On July 1st, he was released.

The arabic desk of RNW talked to him at the prison gates. An English version of the interview was posted by PRI's The World:

“People are in prision just because they are Palestinians,” Sabaaneh says. About 5000 Palestinians are in Israeli prisons. Last week, a special UN committee expressed concern about the circumstances of Palestinian prisoners. When asked what was the hardest thing in prison, Sabaaneh answers: “I cannot say what was the hardest, everything is hard from the interrogation to the circumstances in the prison itself, to even the moment of release. These people just deserve to be free.”
Read the entire interview here.