Female Superheroes
June 19, 2013
Cartoon Movement is partnering with Butch & Sundance Media, a Dutch collective of media pioneers and social entrepreneurs (as they describe themselves) to tell inspiring stories of women in conflict zones. These women are fighting for their rights and risk their lives to save others; their struggle contributes to peace in their country, town or village.
As with every project we do, it's not just about the story, it's also about how the story is told. Female Superheroes (FSH) is an interactive project: the stories are presented by an innovative combination of comics, video, audio and interactive 360 degree photography.
The project is aimed at teenagers. By navigating through the content, you will be challenged to find out your own potential as a superhero. Here is how it will work:
It starts with a video to introduce the female hero, the video ends up in a 360 degree panoramic picture. In this panorama you can look and click around to other panorama's, video's, audio en detail pictures. Every panorama has a central question. After a certain period of time, you have to choose between a couple of options what you think the main character would do. So the challenge is to really understand the main character in her own context.The right answer is not what you should do, but what you think the woman will do. You will find the answer in the comics that will follow your choice. After a series of drawings, you find yourself in another panorama, solving the next dilemma. At the end of the episode you'll see your overall score and see how much you are similar to the Superhero. As a reward you'll get a thumbnail to post on your Facebook timeline.
The first three episodes will tell the stories of women in Egypt, Burma and Sudan. All stories are based on interviews, pictures, video and audio made by Butch & Sundance Media. For the part of the stories that will be told with comics, we have asked UK artist Tom Humberstone, who already produced two (1,2) excellent pieces of comics journalism for Cartoon Movement, to work with us. This post is illustrated with two pages of comic telling the story from Egypt. Although the text has yet to be added, it does give a feel of how the project will look.
The project will launch at the end of summer.