Syrian Cartoonist Soon on Trial
May 27, 2013
Cartoonists Rights Network International (CRNI) reports that Syrian cartoonist Akram Raslan, who disappeared six months ago, will be put on trial by the Syrian regime:
About six months ago Syrian cartoonist Akram Raslan disappeared in Damascus and was reportedly being held incommunicado by the Bashir al-Assad government. He had been drawing for the Al-Fida (or Fedaa) newspaper in the city of Hama when he was grabbed. Now, he is about to be put on trial.Very recently, we did receive a report from a reliable but un corroborated source, that Akram Raslan has been tortured repeatedly, and transferred from one prison to another since his illegal detention. This latest report says that he will be put on trial on June 3, 2013 for the crimes of disrespecting the leader, being in league with the rebels, and working against the interests of the state.
You can read the full post here. CRNI also included a template for a letter to the Syrian ambassador, to ask for Akram's release.