Promoting French Comics Culture
Sketches of Iran

'Growing Recognition of the Power of Cartoons'

The Doha Center for Media Freedom recently organized a cartoon competition focused on freedom of the press, to mark World Press Freedom Day. One of the judges of the competition was Robert Russell, director of Cartoonists Rights Network International, talks about 'growing recognition of the power of cartoons':

After the events of 9/11, and especially after the unfortunate events following the publication of the now infamous 12 Danish cartoons in 2006, political and social cartooning has emerged into the light of day and is now achieving the recognition that it always should have had.  It is now broadly recognised that political and social cartoons can be extraordinarily powerful.  They change history.
Read the full article on the website of DCMF, which also features a slideshow of the top 25 cartoons of the competition.


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